
Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Festivities {'s long!}

Thanks to a wonderful 3-day weekend, we got to participate in pretty much anything Easter-ish that Waco had to offer. We started off our Friday by going to Storytime at the local library and doing a practice Easter egg hunt. You can check out all those pictures on my last Foto Friday post.

Saturday morning we headed to a local church's Easter egg hunt. I loved going to a church related one because they took the time to explain the story of Easter instead of just- here's a bunny and some eggs, go get candy. Of course Maddie was slightly more interested in the Lollipops, Skittles and Goldfish dispersed in the field (all of which top her Favorites's like they knew we were coming), but she will always be told about the TRUE meaning of Easter. We met up with some friends, but the two little ones were far too interested in the candy than each other.

Our second Easter egg hunt of the day was later that afternoon at the local park. This time Maddie got to practice with "real" Easter eggs instead of just picking candy up off the ground- which I'm not sure was very sanitary and we possibly should not have eaten it...oh well, let's not pretend, it didn't really bother us. I mean come on, it's candy we're talking about!!
At this event the Easter Bunny made an appearance. Maddie kept wanting to give him "fives" (High Five,) but every time we got close she changed her mind. Finally, after trial 452, she worked up the courage, and he got a very excited and fast "fives." She was quite proud of herself. So proud in fact that she wanted to do it again, so I figured that meant, "this is our chance for a picture with the Easter Bunny." I was wrong.

The next day was EASTER! Maddie was so good in church, and of course looked absolutely adorable in her Easter dress!
We had another egg hunt at the family Easter lunch, and let me tell you, this girl is a Pro-Egg Hunter now! Some of the eggs were filled with coins, and once this was discovered Miss Madison had to shake each one before it went into her Elmo basket.
Oh, and just to throw in a little yumminess- here is the food I brought to the family lunch! I'm not much for cooking, but I love the chance to bring crafts and food together!!

After lunch, we finally had the opportunity to give Maddie her Easter basket. In following tradition from my side of the family, I hid her basket and had her go find it. Smarty Pants found it pretty quick, and hearing her laughter at its discovery was simply adorable!
Oh, and don't be fooled. This Mama did not spend much on her basket- Thank you, Dollar Spot at Target!!

So that was our weekend. To say we are blessed would be the understatment of the year. God has given us so much, but most importantly He gave us His Son. I could never praise or thank Him enough for my beautiful family. He truly is an AWESOME God!

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