
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sesame Street Live

Today has been one of my favorite family days to date! Each day Maddie gets older I cry a little she gets more and more fun. She's able to do and communicate so much these days, and her darling personality is really starting to shine!

Due to her obsession love of Elmo, we thought she would enjoying seeing Sesame Street Live. (See, every now and then Waco gets visited!) This is one of those times as a parent when you realize you made the completely RIGHT decision! She. had. a. BLAST!! They had a Play Zone set up where the kids could press buttons and Mommies could take pictures- and yes, this Mommy took a LOT of pictures!!
I love where she is making her Elmo push the cute!
Excitement- the show is about to begin...
This is basically how she spent the entire time- either like this or dancing!
After the show, we hit up Freebirds for lunch. We ate great, came home for a nap and then headed to the park for more fun!
Since the weather was so beautiful, we decided to eat dinner outside, and then start up a fire. And where there is fire, there must be marshmallows! No worries, she was not left unattended like it appears in the picture. ;)

So, was a fabulous day. In Brent's word, "Days like today make working hard during the week totally worth it!"

Most agreed!

Goodnight sleepy Madison, we love you more than you'll ever know!

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