
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day!

Happy {late} Valentine's Day!

Well, we had a GREAT first Valentine's Day as a family of 3! Our little Valentine woke up in a wonderful mood that lasted the whole day...she must like V-Day like Mommy! Brent got me some beautiful flowers and a ticket to redeem on my day of choosing to be "Queen for a Day!" He offered to do the cooking, the cleaning, and the pretty much anything else I ask...muah ha ha (evil laugh while tapping my fingers.) ;) I've already started my list, but shh! don't tell him! I got him a box of chocolates he likes and the gift of not spending money on a gift for him....aren't I just so thoughtful! (Which, if you know Brent, was exactly what he wanted!) Here is a picture that was snapped that is HILARIOUS!
Aren't you just dying to know what's going through her mind?!?!

We wanted to go out to dinner, so we raced home, got ready as fast as possible, jumped in the car, and zoomed over to Olive Garden just to sit and wait an hour for a table. Brent knows how much I love that place, so even though lots of other people had the same thought, it was still a great choice! Here is us with our little Valentine at dinner...she was a wonderful date!

Lots of love to all of our family and friends! We hope you had a great Valentine's with someone you like, love, or you'd love to like! :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Eight Months Old!!!

Dear Maddie,
Eight months?! Where's my tiny baby going?? You are SO stinkin' cute and SO much fun to be around! You have been up to so much this month, I can hardly keep up with how fast you are growing!
You started waving hi/bye this month. Unfortunately the cuteness of it only lasted a couple weeks because for some reason you just kind of quit doing it. Oh well, it'll be back soon I'm sure.
You LOVE the camera! It is not hard at all to get you to smile! In fact, you pretty much do it as soon as you see the camera/phone come's like you just know or something.
You are so close to crawling. You get like this as if you are heading off to the races and then sit back down. I always laugh because if we watch you closely, it looks like you never actually move. Then all of a sudden we'll realize you're on the other side of the room from where you started! You are the fastest baby at moving really slow!
You have also just started pulling yourself up on things and clapping! Geeze, baby are getting so big! You look adorable just standing there by your little chair. I love that sweet face and smile like you know you are a cutie pie!
Well, I guess I can't slow you down from growing up. You are becoming so active and curious about the world around you. There's just no stopping you! I can't believe that very soon you are going to be one year old! *tear* I love you sweet Madison!

Big hugs and lots of kisses,